Monday, February 12, 2018

1st International Blockchain #DIBS2018

Dubai’s first International Blockchain #DIBS2018 event was held in Atlantis, Dubai - UAE on Jan 7th under the theme "Pay to Play", has garnered strong industry support with over 50 international and local companies as partners.

DIBS2018 featured some influential business and keynote speakers while making it interactive though panel sessions which focused on the following key themes:
·         - Affiliate Marketing to Blockchain: An Inevitable Transformation?
·         - Popularizing Blockchain as a means of boosting traffic monetization
·         - Central Banks giving way to Smart Contracts
·         - WorldCore Solutions and its applicability to Affiliate Programs
·         - Blockchain and Virtual Reality
·         - Liquidity and ready-made solutions for business growth
·         - The Making of Blockchain Powered Cities
·         - Healthcare and Blockchain Transformation of the industry
·         - Effective PR and Marketing Strategies for Blockchain Start-ups.

The Summit featured a parallel expo where over 50 vendors / innovators were available t promote their solutions as well as engage with potential local partners.

The dominant trend of ICOs was evident – for solutions ranging from Job-Connect, POS integrated crypto-payment system, smart contracts, AI-based research by crowd-sourced network power, to autonomous-driving car security systems all based on Blockchain technology.

With Dubai having released its own BlockChain strategy in September last year, this event reaffirmed the agility of the private players seeking to partner and deploy these solutions locally and yet could also scale with global audience.

Here are sample of the early adopters of this disruptive BlockChain technology and their offering. Here is a short video on the intro session: VIDEO LINK

·        Crowfunding on opensource platform made free. Based on #BlockChain at #Dibs2018 - Potentials unlimited area for #innovation and #Startup funding.   @AcoCollective

·         Pundi brings Bitcoin to daily mircor- spending. Live #POS demo of using #CryptoCurrency with private and public #blockchain to balance security vs speed of process by #pundiX At #dbs2018

·         To deploy your own ICO, consulting opportunity offering by Token Market - Value for your #BlockChain #ICO ? Do Chat with @tokenmarket who now at #dibs2018 Time to deployement ranges from 10 to 24 month. 

 Asia is leading the way on ICOs - #BlockChain #disruptiveTechnology  leaders seem to sprout from S.Asia! For e.g @verxanium targets #India #Korea and #Japan soon.

 Here are some BlockChain solution providers who were present at #Dibs2018 

Cube (, Hotoken (, Agrello ( – Smart Contracts with KYC and Virtual token authentication systems, AidCoin for crowd-funded charity that is secure and transparent (, ArcBlock – B2B Xchange broker (, ConnectJob (www., Contactless Cryptobank Cryterium, Draglet – BlockChain based solution development platform (, Physical Gold-backed Cryptocurrency FlashMoni (, handheld crypto POS Graft (, Business facilitator IcoBox (, Financial market solution WanChain (, Global digital address NaviAddress (www.naviadress .io), Social Media tokenizer for Crypto life Robin (, Crypto trading and Financing platform (    

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