Tuesday, February 13, 2018

GovTech Prize 3 awards - World Government Summit 2018

Acknowledging government technology pioneers for providing global solutions to global challenges, an annual award designed to motivate government entities to promote creative smart government initiatives & partnerships with the aim of providing innovative smart solutions for common global challenges.

The GovTech Prize is in its 5th cycle which consists of 3 major awards:

1.   The Best m-Government Service Award which aims to stimulate and encourage government entities to provide creative and innovative solutions via smartphone applications.

2.   The award also includes a World Virtual GovHack aimed at experimenting with new technologies to produce outstanding applications to solve the world pressing challenge of today designed and developed by students and start-ups from across the world under the ethos of hacking for good.

3.   It also features the Best Emerging Technologies in Government Award, which is an award for governments that are experimenting with emerging technologies to provide government services more efficiently and effectively and that have proven results of how they have created greater public value and transformed the lives of people.

The 5th cycle of the ‘Best m-Government Service Award’ will see government entities from across the world compete over 7 categories that represent challenges in the following areas: Protecting Human Life, Building Knowledge, Sustainable Living, Cultural & Social Awareness, Enabling Business, Effective mobility, and Accessible Government. The award aims to reward top applications that contribute to making people's lives easier and increase efficiency in government. 

Best m-Government Service Award Categories

This year's award features enhanced categories engaging all aspects of a modern citizen's life. By introducing the element of 'Challenges' to the updated categories, the award will address modern issues related to each of the below category:

1. Protecting Human Life
Challenge: How can government mobile services promote a healthy living and aid in saving the lives of its citizens?
2. Building Knowledge
Challenge: How can government mobile services provide better education and access to knowledge to all?
3. Sustainable living
Challenge: How can government mobile services improve energy, water and waste handling?
4. Enhancing Cultural & Social Awareness
Challenge: How can government mobile services assist tourists, immigrants and expats in learning about a nation’s culture?
5. Enabling Business
Challenge: How can government mobile services enable setting up and running a business?
6. Effective Mobility
Challenge: How can government mobile services get travelers to their destination quickly and cost effectively?
7. Accessible Government
Challenge: How can government mobile services leverage either data sharing between government or open data to provide services?

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